Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beeston firm tops UK poll for fastest growing international sales

A BEESTON company has been named as the fastest-growing exporter in the UK.

Bosses at manufacturing firm SMS Electronics said they were on "cloud nine" after topping the Sunday Times HSBC International Track 100 poll.

The ranking comes after the firm saw international sales rocket from �698,000 in 2008 to �18.7 million in 2010 – growth of 418 per cent.

Managing director Mike Harby said: "It is a fantastic accolade for the company, and is recognition for all the hard work the employees have put in. They have been working very hard over the last couple of years and it has not been easy."

He added: "It's good news for the manufacturing industry as well. It shows that manufacturing companies in Nottingham can be world-class."

The company's 131 staff make specialist electronic goods at its base in Technology Drive, which it bought from Siemens in 2002.

Exports have grown significantly due to demand in Europe and America for the firm's video conferencing systems. About 60 per cent of sales were to clients in mainland Europe in 2010, compared with three per cent in 2008.

Mr Harby said the company was now aiming to double its international exports in 2011-12.

"Last year was the first year that we have done any major exporting," he said.

"It has really taken off as the technology has come of age. After the recession, a lot of large enterprises are looking at their costs and video conferencing is a very cost-effective way of getting staff across the world together for meetings."

The firm is planning to spend �1.5 million on installing a new production line at the factory in June.

It is one of nine Midlands companies to feature in the poll, published yesterday.

Seven, including SMS Electronics, appeared in the league table for the first time.

Steve Price, head of the UK commercial banking section at HSBC, said: "It's encouraging to see privately-owned British companies – including many which HSBC has helped to support – develop their international trade."

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/32715/f/503354/s/14b0989b/l/0L0Sthisisnottingham0O0Cnews0CBeeston0Efirm0Etops0EUK0Epoll0Efastest0Egrowing0Einternational0Esales0Carticle0E35346520Edetail0Carticle0Bhtml/story01.htm

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